A sunny stroll and Sunday lunch at the Royal Inn on the Park Pub in Hackney Village

A stroll around Victoria Park in the sunshine followed by a delicious roast and glass of red at the Royal Inn on the Park, has to be the best way to spend a lazy Sunday. For me, Victoria Park is one of London’s best outdoor spaces; there’s a beautiful lake which is home to countless swans and geese, lots of beautifully maintained flowerbeds and a lovely community feel with all sorts of activities and sports taking place. The west side of the park is home to the larger lake and the children’s playground, while the east side mainly hosts sports and dog walkers. Explore the centre, however, and you’ll discover the hidden deer pen which has three very cute inhabitants.
After a suitable helping of fresh air, I usually head to the Royal Inn on the Park for a generous portion of their hearty, homemade grub. Perched on the edge of the park, the terraced beer garden has to be one of the best spots in London to enjoy a drink in the hot summer months. The food never disappoints and their roast beef is one of my favourite indulgences. They write the menu on a huge blackboard high on the wall and I love walking in and just gazing up, trying to decide what to choose!
Photo courtesy of Mile End Residents on Flickr